Opening Bumper Pondok Al-Barokah
PLN - Diatas Keindahan Waduk Cirata
IMSS Mobile Demo Apps
Company Profile IMSS (No Voice Over)
JKT Living Star - Promotional Apartment Short Animation (Portrait)
JKT Living Star - Promotional Apartment Short Animation (Landscape)
JKT Living Star - New Year 2024
JKT Living Star - Product Knowledge
Origo Edu - Student Testimonial Video (1 of 5 Examples)
Origo Edu - Student Testimonial Video (2 of 5 Examples)
International Model United Nations (IMUN) - WhatsApp Chat IMUN Conference Road to Jakarta
International Model United Nations (IMUN) - IMUN Conference Road to Jakarta
AILIMA Course Ads Video
AILIMA - Bagaimana teknologi deep learning bekerja pada mobil self-driving Tesla
AILIMA - Seberapa Mengerikan Gletser 'DOOMSDAY' Antartika
AILIMA - Seberapa Toksik Bitcoin
AILIMA - Tentang Bitcoin Course Ads Video
AILIMA - JIWA Learning Introduction - Video Sambutan Campus Ambassador - Coming Soon - Career Talk Introduction
Get Fresh Indonesia - Bumper Logo
Sekolah Tinggi Multi Media Yogyakarta - Bumper Logo
W.A.N.A Food Opening
Construction Vehicles Promo